Unknowns from Friday:
000017 (no allocation, no flight id, I presume a miscoded MIL airframe)
3C6572 (Germany, flight id: DLH9881, nothing more)
3D0800 (Germany, flight id: DEBHI, decoding error of 3D080A)
3D2DC2 (Germany, no flight id, D-EPOS GX Remos GX Mirage Private CN:? Mk1EB Apil 2011:
http://www.abpic.co.uk/search.php?q=D-EPOS&u=reg )
3DD181 (Germany, flight id: DGZOZ, already posted)
3E3F28 (Germany, no flight id, nothing more)
3FED05 (Germany, flight id: DMEJB, still no luck)
484182 (Netherlands, no flight id, perhaps a decoding error again)
484446 (Netherlands, no flight id, ex PH-BRG CH60 nothing about a new one)
48A020 (Poland, flight id: SPIBA, SP-IBA of OLT express has already populated to db.)
48C64E (Poland, flight id: SPSTO, SP-STO C206 Cessna 206 Stationair Private CN:? Mk1EB Feb 2012:
http://www.planespotters.net/Aviation_Photos/photo.show?id=255947 )
4B0072 (Switzerland, no flight id, ex HB-AEK nothing about a new one)
AE2C85 (USA MIL, flight id: ROGUE01)
E09B31 (Argentinia, flight id: NAF323A, miscoded NAF Netherlands Air Force MIL Airframe)
MIL List:
3F8724 GAF914
3F88B8 GAF626
3FA340 GAF163
3FA794 GAF982
That's all from Friday. Have a nice Weekend!