Morning, the unknowns from Friday:
150779 (Russian Federation, flight id: RA67433, RA-67433 is hex 150769, so a decoding error)
261575 (no allocation, no flight id, whether a decoding error or a miscoded airframe)
3D4169 (Germany, flight id: DEXAF, D-EXAF E300 Extra E330LC Private 1313 sources/Mk1EBs: and )
3F8D3F (Germany MIL, flight id: NOBLE01)
3FF1AD (Germany, no flight id, only two messages received)
42414B (UK, flight id: VPCDE, VP-CDE no details about the new one)
46A066 (flight id: QTR078, decoding error, several hex with this flight id in the list)
471EA2 (Hungary, no flight id, nothing more)
471F41 (flight id: WZZ9LG, decoding error of 471F49)
8961AA (UAE, no flight id, was A6-RJH LJ35 until 2009)
Have a nice weekend!