3D1E6A D-ESMP is a C172 with hex 3D3577 -that would be one hell of a decoding error, miscode? Decodes to D-EJTQ
4787AD flight id: EZX007S, unknown call sign Zimbabwe Express Airlines ?
A37A93 decodes to N323ML, this now N323FL, Piper PA-46 Malibu JetPROP DLX, P46T, c/n46-8508096, Forton Leasing
A4007E (decodes tp N357TG, not assigned this time, two previous are both US registered CessnA T182T
0C0694 XA-FXA Dassault Falcon 900B c/n 174, miscode should be 0D0694 from mode-s forum
3435CD unknown to me
3C0B6D D-ATIM, Gulfstream Aerospace GV-SP (G550), c/n 5354
3EC2BC D-KOSA c/n 4250
400496 (decodes to G-BXNF now in Australia as VH-FWH, F100
4007E9 decodes to G-OOAJ now in Indonesia as PK-YUF, A321
49D28D decodes to OK-PCB, now RA-01551, Pilatus PC-12/47E, c/n 1324, from mode-s forum
A164A9 N1891U, not assigned by FAA