Morning some more unknowns from Saturday:
3C660E ( Germany flight id: DLH3UH, decoding error of 3C660C)
3D2271 (Germany, flight id: DELHH, still no luck)
3D2A5C (Germany, flight id: DEOHG, D-EOHG DR40 Robin DR 400 AC: unknown CN:? source: )
3E6A4D (Germany, flight id: DKFLL, D-KFLL DUOD Schempp-hirth DUO DISCUS T Private 318 source: confirming that it's still the DUOD: )
3F5904 (Germany MIL, flight id: GAF774, as usual no details for the MIL airframe)
3FEE83 (Germany, flight id: DMVAA, still no luck)
3FF102 (Germany, flight id: DMJSA, still no luck with this one)
45D96F (Denmark, flight id: VKG355, decoding error of 45D96D)
47054D (Hungary, no flight id, nothing more)
4B17AC (Switzerland, no flight id, nothing more)
78086A (China, no flight id, already in my db by forced population)
A17AD2 (USA, flight id: AVA195, already in db be forced population)
A17AD2 (USA, flight id: N519AV, N519AV should use hex A682F2. This is a much to high difference to be a decoding error. I don't know what has happened here)
That's all from yesterday. Have a nice Sunday!
BR Ingo