I have been using my supplied antenna in the loft for quite some time now, And I have been looking to get better results. As I don't have a step ladder, I place the antenna on top of a tower of DVD Cases to get it as High as possible, with a Tin box and the antenna at the top.
Today I decided to try and get the antenna as high a possible - I added more DVD's to the Tower and it was as high as I could get it. I left it there, and came back a few hours later. I know you should leave polar diagrams to develop, but I have had my Radarbox for over a year so I know where my range is good, and where it is bad.
I got a shock when I saw the results. With my previous set-up I was receiving flights from over 120NM away. With the antenna as high as possible, only 80NM. I inspected the loft with a torch and there does not seem to be anything in the antenna's way at that height, so I was confused of this.
I then decided to grab a Quality Street tin and lower the Antenna to its original position in the loft. Its been running like this for less than 15 minutes and I've already broken some personal records, Aircraft from EGNT climbing out from the P18 for example, I'm picking them up a lot earlier. Another example is Aircraft on the N601 descending into EGPH, there dropping from my reception allot later. I need to let the Polar Diagram develop, But so far the results look much more promising.
So remember, Height isn't always everything!