Personally, I will not be purchasing the live data, as for me its all about what I can see at my local and what my box picks up.
The 5 min delay is good enough for me for any heads up of aircraft due to the local, and tracking anything I need.
Also, I like the network to keep my database up-to-date with fleet changes (using autopopulate). This helps me when out at an airport, and not waiting till I get back home and doing a populate of my log if a load of codes and unknown (my only problem is that I have to put the network traffic in reg order, then run the mouse over the unknowns to get autopopulate to kick in on them)
Lastly, with the high exchange rate, the live network traffic is quite a lot of money for me to justify a month. When my free 5 min delay runs out next year, I will subscribe back to the delayed network, but not live