Although I'm not a regular contributor to the forum I have had my Radar box for nearly a year ad a half now and have enjoyed the professional advice and add-ons from the experts who regularly post on here ,Tarbat Allocator,Rod etc . At the moment it saddens me to read the constant bickering , the 'we said they said our toy is better than your toy' philosophy that is all too apparent at the moment . For god sake guys we know that the Air Nav is better than SBS in certain features and SBS has attributes that Air Nav doesn't have at the moment but will have in the future. We know each will try to outdo each other and the winners will be us,the enthusiasts who love aviation and and the huge enjoyment we get from our gadgets.
So please please can we get back to the way the forum was, fun, informative and a font of knowledge that we have all tapped into as we have learnt how to get the most out of our radar boxes.
If any new potential customers decided to check out the forum before buying how childish must we look? No offence was meant with the above to anyone connected with Air Nav or furum contributors just had enough....