Hi All,
I have been given permission directly from AirNav to post on this forum.
I have developed an iPad application that compliments the AirNav RadarBox software/hardware.
I am looking for 5 BETA testers to test the app and give feedback before I release the app to the public. It will be a paid app once live, but the Beta testers will get an Adhoc install for testing, and a promo code once it's live.
The criteria for the tester must be as follows:
1) Own an iPad with iOS7 installed (Minimum iPad 2)
2) Have AirNav RadarBox installed on your computer, connected to a RadarBox and receive a minimum of 15 aircraft at any one time (via Hardware).
3) You must understand what IP addresses are and how to find out your computer IP address (Internal Network)
4) It would be desirable if you knew how to setup port forwarding on your router but not essential (let me know)
If you would like to submit your interest, please drop me an email directly to
[email protected]Many thanks,