Hi Sandy, I think my range and numbers increased by at least 20%, when I started using the Lindy Active USB extender, and I feel it's most likely due to the RB getting full voltage from the active USB psu, with a lap-top running off the mains, not its battery, this wouldn't be such an issue, if at all. It is left powered up the whole time, I'm of the opinion that electrical and electronic devices have a longer life, if they're not continually subjected to power off/on surges, TV and other items are always left on standby, I feel the small amount of power consumed is more than balanced out by the extended life and thus less replacement with replacement items which involve the use of more resources and energy. In Cornwall, we've got dozens of these marvellous wind turbines, which are unbelievably inefficient. The original manufacture, site preparation, installation and maintenance costs in energy use are massive, they are only able to produce power for 15 - 20% of the time, they take huge amounts of energy off the grid to get them wound up and going round. Wind power is very expensive per unit (far more than fossil fuel/nuclear power around twice the price), and if it wasn't for the subsidies, no company would be installing them, as they'd lose out hugely. Turbines are becoming more efficient, but no wind - no power, too much wind - no power. Nuclear power and energy from waste - bring it on, that's the only way we'll have reliable and afforable power for the next century. I'll go and put my kevlar armour on, whilst I wait for the brickbats to start flying!