Could I please ask some questions.
1) My sbs1 is in my loft - could I still use my USB extender from the loft to computer down stairs.
Andy, I use a USB extender - the type that has standard CAT 5 network cable giving you up to 45 m extension - with no problem at all. The advantage of RadarBox is that its powered wia the USB lead, whereas some SBS-1 units require a seperate power supply.
2) Can I use radarbox over a home network and use on more than one computer.
In a word - no. The RadarBox receiver must be connected to the computer that is running the RadarBox software. This also applies for you to receive AirNav Network data. RadarBox isn't a network device, hence the need for direct USB connection. I modified my SBS-1 with the Ethernet module mod that came out about 8 months ago. It worked very well as I could access the SBS-1 wirelessly on my network, however, I didn't really use this facility very often.
You can use Radarbox on as many computers as you like, but you will only see aircraft when the Radarbox hardware is plugged into that computer.
You can run the RadarBox software without the hardware to view recordings though. You could download RadarBox V1.5 now and visit the RadarBox Utilities website and download recordings to play back. This will give you a good idea of what you will see.
You can download the RadarBox V1.5 software from here: the recordings (2) are available here: If I was at a differant location in the world - could I look at my data (Radarbox) over the internet.
Again, no. However, as RadarBox is so portable, it's easy to take it with you to view live data picked up by the RadarBox receiver and antenna. If you have internet access, say in a hotel, then you will be able to see the Network data so you'll probably be able to see your home area anyway.
I'm sure you could use one of the various remote access software programs to look at your computer screen from a remote location, but I haven't tried this. I just take Radarbox and the laptop with me when I go away.
I hope that this helps.