Good Afternoon, unknowns from past Friday:
345050 ECMFJ Boeing 717-200 55060/5026 already in db if addable
3D5FF6 DFIPA DKBOB latest Mk1EB is from 2011
3FF2D9 DMVUS still no luck with the details
3FF304 DMIRI nothing more
471F62 nothing more
47CD89 nothing more
50813E nothing more
EEAD9C nothing more
German MILs
* 3EA1F6 GAF712 2015/04/10 07:01:53
* 3EA1F6 GAF712 2015/04/10 10:46:07
* 3F41BA GAFK99 2015/04/10 06:37:34
3F45D1 GAF726 2015/04/10 09:06:10
3F6884 HAWK1 2015/04/10 08:28:03
3F73AD MONSTR 2015/04/10 07:30:22
* 3F7801 EIFEL1 2015/04/10 08:35:47
* 3FBA84 GAF007 2015/04/10 07:49:27
* 3FF1BB 2015/04/10 08:59:00
Regards Ingo