Good Afternoon Alan, unknowns from Wednesday:
3C17D7 AIB762A, A321 Airbus Test Reg
3CD078 nothing more
3FF3A5 DMFMO still no luck with the details
400431 G-BPEH no active airframe with this REG/HEX
4BA90A TC-JHJ no active airframe with this REG/HEX
4CA539 EI-SKL no active airframe with this REG/HEX
C00EC4 nothing more
3E0000 DHRFA 2015/08/26 12:58:01
* 3EA691 ATTACK2 2015/08/26 07:47:24
* 3EAEA1 GAF723 2015/08/26 06:57:55
* 3EAEA1 GAF723 2015/08/26 09:04:47
* 3F4854 2015/08/26 07:28:56
* 3F7007 COLT 2015/08/26 11:51:14
* 3FA1B0 NITRO33 2015/08/26 07:45:19
* 3FB9A7 EIFEL61 2015/08/26 08:16:20
Regards Ingo