Afternoon Alan, unknowns from Monday (a lot of MIL)
3C09D9 nothing more
400B59 G-VKNG no active airframe with this reg/hex
478356 nothing more
484158 PH-MPR no active airframe with this hex/reg
4BAD99 nothing more
505DB0 nothing more
81333D nothing more
B303C1 no country allocation
C85061 nothing more
EE9810 no country allocation
* 3E80BD GAF264 2015/06/08 07:32:58
* 3E8553 GAF120 2015/06/08 09:58:52
* 3E987B GAF078 2015/06/08 07:29:46
* 3E987B GAF078 2015/06/08 08:25:19
* 3E987B GAF078 2015/06/08 11:28:19
* 3EB0AF PUMA 2015/06/08 08:15:16
* 3EB0AF PUMA 2015/06/08 09:44:43
* 3EF42D D5014 2015/06/08 11:32:25
* 3F400A 2015/06/08 09:08:39
* 3F4039 2015/06/08 08:48:10
* 3F4039 COUGAR 2015/06/08 13:40:56
* 3F4D3E JUSTICE 2015/06/08 08:30:43
* 3F4D3E 2015/06/08 13:16:25
* 3F6604 STRIKE 2015/06/08 13:44:49
* 3F6604 2015/06/08 14:32:44
* 3F84B9 2015/06/08 11:26:29
It seems that the fruitful days are over for now.
Regards Ingo