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Author Topic: Radarbox misreading data  (Read 10575 times)

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Radarbox misreading data
« on: July 08, 2007, 08:29:20 AM »
Another comment. Got both SBS and Radarbox running with exeact same placement of aerials.
G-BNWC B763 on Rdar box as BA6(NRT) but on sbs as BA68(PHL).
G-BNWZ B763 on Radarbox as BA87(YVR) but on sbs as BA878(?).
As I know the B763 fleet dosent go to either NRT or YVR at the present time I'm afraid the sbs is correct. Why is it more sensitive and hence picks up the correct info than the Radarbox ??
I thought your claim was that the advanced software in Radarbox made it very capable to pick up  such signals but also read them correctly ??!!

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Re: Radarbox misreading data
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2007, 12:54:26 PM »
Hi b744

This interesting as we have never seen this before. Mode-S signals do have integrity checks so chances the signal received got changed in transmission is unlikely. Also once decoded by the hardware it would pass is straight through to the software.

There have been cases in the past where transponders are faulty which cause the callsign to switch (from BAW8 to BA W8, BA) which maybe what happened here.

Please send us some information so we can track down whether its a bug or just a faulty transponder. Such as is it only occurring to specific aircraft or is it occurring to all?

Thanks for any info in advance.
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Re: Radarbox misreading data
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 01:09:05 PM »
the callsign switch is more than often B744, especially KLM,QFA,KAL and VIR. I've never seen it before on the B763 fleet but the comparison with the sbs is the interesting one as it showed no callsign corruption.

Can you explain why,when connected to the network my radarbox loses contact with an aircraft overhead and when I switch the network off, the aircraft re-appears. Sadly this has caused to be disconnected so I can actually pick up a/c near me !


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Re: Radarbox misreading data
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2007, 01:17:26 PM »
Hi b744,

We haven't noticed that before, please send us some screenshots to [email protected] so we can have a look at whats happening.

Turning on the network has no affect to the hardware as that type of proccessing is done on the software side so I can't pin point anything yet untill we have more information.

Roadrunner can you contact support via email and they will ask you to send a debug file so we can see whats causing the issue.

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Re: Radarbox misreading data
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2007, 04:03:50 AM »
As told by our support team we need all these kinds of reports so we can make the necessary corrections. AirNav RadarBox software has many new features compared to other AirNav Systems products and it is quite natural that some problem have passed the extensive beta-testing we have made. Please contact our support so we can investigate this problem as soon as possible.