Hi Alan, here are the unknowns from Thursday:
3C65C9 nothing more
3C70C6 nothing more
3CC12D nothing more
3E4B2A nothing more
424763 WGT54H must be this one:
http://forum.luftfahrtclubbraunschweig.de/18-12-14-neue-vw-falcon-7x-vp-cuh-t4078.html47A723 nothing more
4C12A2 nothing more
AB1EA8 two times with a separation of 1hour. Seems like it landed in EDDV, fueled up and moved on its way...
ABDA79 decodes N863F currently not assigned by FAA
F1303F no country allocation, therefore a corrupted packed received would be my guess
* 3E95DD GAF456 2014/12/18 08:00:23
* 3E95DD GAF456 2014/12/18 15:39:36
* 3E9905 GAF910 2014/12/18 11:21:36
* 3E9D0F 2014/12/18 08:32:09
* 3F4956 2014/12/18 09:03:40
* 3F65DF GAF726 2014/12/18 08:39:23
* 3F7B8D GAF163 2014/12/18 17:00:45
* 3F7B8D GAF163 2014/12/18 19:49:02
Regards Ingo