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Author Topic: RadarBox Connector iOS Source Code / Full App / Website for sale  (Read 5211 times)

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Hi All,

I created an iOS app for the iPad called RadarBox Connector a few months ago. It has been launched on the apple app store for around 3 months now making a steady progress in sales. Further information can be found here:

However, due to other work/project commitments I would like to pass this off to another iOS developer or company. Therefore, I would like to sell the whole project.

The project includes:

1) Full Source code of RadarBox Connector iOS app for iPad (Objective C using XCODE IDE)
2) Full transfer of the current live app to the new owners Apple Developer account (This means the app never goes off sale).
3) The domain name (And website content if required).
4) Complete rights to the Source Code and Application to resell.

For those that have purchased this product or those about to, please don't be put off by this as I am still supporting this app and will do right up until the project has been passed to a new owner.

I do not have a price in mind but if you wish to make us an offer please send your offers and questions directly to us and do NOT post them on this thread as we will not respond to them here.

All enquires should be directed to: [email protected]

Many thanks,