Hi Ingo,
121C70 doesn't decode
3C49A1 unknown to me
3C5454 unknown to me
3C6DC3 unknown to me
3D15D4,D-EGNC,12847,Morane-Saulnier MS 893 E-D Rallye Commodore
3E2BA8 unknown to me
3E5C35 D-KACR unknown to me
3FF1C1 D-MVCL Shark Aero Shark c/n unknown
3FF2D2 D-MHAZ 2014/07/02 15:37:14
40042C not current
400784 not current
400807 not current
400DB7 not current
4068F2 not current
461FA5 not current
4B1623 not current
4BA878 not current
4CA241 not current
Thanks again