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Author Topic: ANRB 5.00.65 and Windows XP crash  (Read 7296 times)

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ANRB 5.00.65 and Windows XP crash
« on: March 01, 2014, 03:23:05 PM »
When I ran ANRB 5.00.65 on widnows xp, OS often displayed "unknown software exceptiion" message after it ran two days. Then the ANRB could't close normaly and OS could't shotdown.

I have uninstalled 5.00.65 and re-installed 4.03 today.

Runway 31

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Re: ANRB 5.00.65 and Windows XP crash
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2014, 06:09:15 PM »

Try the full install of 5.00.65 rather than the upgrade and see if it works OK



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Re: ANRB 5.00.65 and Windows XP crash
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2014, 03:08:26 AM »
yes. I used full installation, not upgrade version. I tried on 3 PC. the result was the same.

Runway 31

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Re: ANRB 5.00.65 and Windows XP crash
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2014, 08:42:51 AM »

There should be no reason why and I am not aware of any similar reports.
There is a new upgrade to V5.00.71 now available.

Give it a go and see if that solves your problem otherwise I would suggest that you contact [email protected] for assistance.




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Re: ANRB 5.00.65 and Windows XP crash
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2014, 02:50:05 AM »

thanks for your recommendation.

ANRB and OS crash made log missing in Mylog.db3 during the period that 5.00.65 ran. so I use v4.03 now.

When I used ANRB 5.00.65 and the screen dispalyed "Unknown software exception, ...." message, I could close the message box and ANRB automatically closed at the same time. I tried to restart ANRB, but nothing happened . I tried to shutdown XP OS, but it hanged in shutdown progress. After I manually powered off and powered on my PC, restart ANRB, I found the log in the Mylog.db3 missing that the ANRB received during the period ANRB 5.00.65 ran. I closed ANRB 5.00.65 and wanted to use v4.03 but I could't copy Mylog.db3 to another file.

I think Mylog.db3 in 5.00.65 should be something wrong.

I hope AirNav should check the issue in mylog.db3 file and fix it if it has bugs.

Runway 31

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Re: ANRB 5.00.65 and Windows XP crash
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2014, 09:08:34 AM »

It would appear that your mylog file in V5.00.65 was corrupted and this may have caused your issue.
The upgrade doesnt give you a new mylog it uses the one you already use, only the full install will provide a new mylog.  We therefore suggest that you save your original mylog file before installation of the new version as it will have your personal sightings contained within it.  As the one in 4.03 is working OK copy it across to V5.00.65 before starting up and all should be well.



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Re: ANRB 5.00.65 and Windows XP crash
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2014, 04:40:17 AM »

Yes. I did it just you mention.

summarize my actions in these days as below.

1. closed ANRB 4.03 application.
2. copied mylog.db3 used by 4.03 to another directory.
3. uninstalled 4.03 application.
4. installed 5.00.65 application (full installation version)
5. copied mylog.db3 used by 4.03 to the directory used by 5.00.65
6. start 5.00.65 application.
7. after two days or so, screen displayed "unknow software exception" message.
8. click OK button to close the error message box. at the same time, ANRB 5.00.65 application automatically closed.
9. tried to restart ANRB 5.00.65 application, nothing happened.
10. tried to shutdown Windows XP, but hanged in shutdown progress.
11. manually powered off PC.
12. powered on PC to restart OS.
13. start ANRB 5.00.65 application. log records in myload.db3 missing which received during 5.00.65 application ran.

same situation occurred several times like above. I decided to go back to 4.03 version. so I did

1. tried to copy mylog.db3 used by 5.00.65 to another directory. but failed. even though I copied it at the same directory which OS would automatically append some characters to file name to avoid the same file name.
2. I could not copy mylog.db3 file to anywhere, so I rename it to mylog.db_.
3. uninstalled 5.00.65 application.
4. reinstalled 4.03 application.
5. renamed default mylog.db3 to mylog.db0
6. renamed mylog.db_ to mylog.db3
7. started 4.03 application.
8. worked fine but some fields in My Flight window were empty, no data.
9. closed 4.03 application.
10. deleted the mylog.db3 and used the most previously mylog.db3 file my 4.03 created before 5.00.65 ran.
11. now, waiting for the issue fixed.

Runway 31

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Re: ANRB 5.00.65 and Windows XP crash
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2014, 10:02:19 AM »
I can see no reason for the problem you are having yang, lots of people are running on XP with no problems.  Is RB installed direct to the route directory, C:\Airnav

As long as RB is not running there should be no problem of copying your mylog across to anywhere you want to, another directory or even the desktop.  The mylog is not saved unless the application is closed properly so if closed down due to an exception, it will not be saved.

The mylog used by the V5.00.65 installation would only show the flights you picked up during that time and if you had not updated the Navdata from the installation one it would show blanks as it is an old one requiring to be updated upon installation.  We suggest before upgrading to save your mylog, photos, silhouettes etc and reuse them once the upgrade is installed.

Maybe you would be better to address your issue to [email protected] as they have the technical expertise to resolve issues.  It is very difficult to resolve an issue when we dont know what it is other than being advised it is an exception and is not being seen by other users.  A copy of the eureka log from the error report would greatly assist.

V5.00.65 is the last full install but this can be upgraded to V5.00.71

I am sorry you are having problems and hope that support can assist.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 10:14:22 AM by Runway 31 »