Morning, the unknowns from Saturday:
3D0BDB (Germany, flight id: DECSX, D-ECSX Cessna F172L Luftsportclubs Borkenberge e. V. 0847 Source: )
3D246A (Germany, flight id: DEMAS, D-EMAS Tomark SD-4 Viper Private Mk1EB: )
3D3F16 (Germany, flight id: DEWDI, D-EWDI still no luck with the details)
3ED4AA (Germany, no flight id, D-KVMO same as above)
3FF1CA (Germany, flight id: DMUGH, D-MUGH Ikarus C42 Cyclone Fliegerclub Mark e.V. 0106-6354 Sources: )
3FF29B (Germany, flightid: DMHUC, D-MHUC nothing more)
4008D4 (UK, no flight id, no active airframe)
4041DE (UK, flight id: GENNI, G-ENNI Robin R.3000/180 I F Doubtfire 128 Source/Mk1EB 2011: )
461F37 (Finland, no flight id, nothing more)
473275 (Hungary, no flight id, nothing more)
49D01E (Czeck Republic, flight id: ECC201, OK-GLF Gulfstream G200 Eclair aviation s.r.o. source: ) ECC: Crossair Europe
4CA642 (Ireland, no flight id, no active airframe found)
That's it. Have a nice Sunday!
Regards Ingo