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Author Topic: Reports  (Read 8760 times)

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« on: April 17, 2008, 10:22:13 AM »
I am currently pondering on which system to purchase and am biasing towards the Airnav system. However I need to be able to leave the system I choose monitoring to provide Flt ID,Registration, Altitude, Vrate, time and date on a report basis if the aircraft aircraft enter the alert criteria of distance, altitude etc.
Is this possible?

Thank you in advance

« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 11:14:40 AM by Rockeyes »


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Re: Reports
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2008, 03:02:55 PM »
I am currently pondering on which system to purchase and am biasing towards the Airnav system. However I need to be able to leave the system I choose monitoring to provide Flt ID,Registration, Altitude, Vrate, time and date on a report basis if the aircraft aircraft enter the alert criteria of distance, altitude etc.
Is this possible?

Thank you in advance



It would seem that you have some very specific requirements, and so you would be lucky if Radarbox met all of these :-)

All of the data you want is available, but in a raw format on ports 7879 or 30003 and would need some 3rd party work to produce the reports you are looking for.

See this thread for a discussion on reports:

There is an example report file here, although the airline is now shown too:

As RadarBox reports are created at present, from you list, you will get:

Flt ID

The report is only created using "live" aircraft, i.e. those picked up by your antenna, not network tracks.

You can also separately set an alarm which will generate an email for aircraft within a certain range, but not altitude - however, these alarms are not written to the report file.

MyLog allows you to see whaich aircraft you have detected in the past, although you will only get a "first seen" and "last seen" for the date/time.

Take a look at the documentation for further details:


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Re: Reports
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 03:30:02 PM »
Thanks for the info and the time you have taken to reply. Looks like I need a bit more research before my trip to RR in Letchworth.
Its strange that it is possible to gather these reports and set a trip point from when it is taken but not able to gather altitude information at the time.
I’ve been busy on google looking for a third party add on that may help but unfortunately failed to turn anything up as yet.
All I wish to able to do is record all the flight parameters currently monitored inc altitude when an aircraft enters within a set radius.
Wow 16:30hrs looks like I won’t make the toy shop tonight :(   


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Re: Reports
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2008, 03:50:10 PM »

It's still early days regarding the report function and the data required by RadarBox users.  The last very major update was the new SQL database which is much better than the first database, but still doesn't quite capture all the information avaialable.  AirNav are very receptive to user requests, although obviously there is no guarantee of time-scale for incorporating new features.

There is a 3rd part add-on that nearly does what you want with the port 30003 data output - Overflight Logger - which is an Excel spreadsheet with a vba routine that captures the data.  It doesn't work fully with RadarBox yet, as the port 30003 data needs a bit of tweeking.

For my use, I'm not too interested in the reports, but I am very interested in what aircraft I have detected and when.  I'm still hoping for things like altitude and squawk to be stored in MyLog - all the data is available - and I'm sure this will come at some point.  I do like to be able to watch aircraft on the Radarbox map then stick my head out of the window and see them fly over :-)  I also like to follow military aircraft, even though these only appear in the aircraft list and not on the map.

The decision is yours at the end of the day, but if you hang around the forum here, you will get a flavour of what Radarbox can do and then you can make your mind up.

Don't hesitate to ask further questions.

all the best



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Re: Reports
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2008, 05:08:19 PM »
Great that Overflight logger from the DrAlan seems to be just the thing I’m looking for. It would be fantastic if it gets it ‘tweek’ and I could see it fully working.

I'm still hoping for things like altitude and squawk to be stored in MyLog - all the data is available - and I'm sure this will come at some point’ With you all the way on that.
Just received a mail from a couple of chums who holding out to see which way I go before purchasing. Nothing like a bit of pressure :(
On a side issue, do you know where I can get a recorded file of the Luton Stansted area so I can import it into my demo version? It would be nice to see what I could expect.


« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 05:10:23 PM by Rockeyes »


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Re: Reports
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2008, 05:28:28 PM »

Check you PM's

It has a link to a short recorded file for the Shropshire area.  Try it out and tell all your mates to buy a RadarBox :-)



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Re: Reports
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2008, 11:55:58 PM »
Have you looked at "PlanePlotter "which can work with both Radarbox and the opposition (or neither), this also has the benefit of offering reporting on "shared data" where available.
You can log the following aircraft flight info...
I am just about to release a VBscript to their users forum which allows you to capture all of the above data using PlanePlotter as the engine and you can use filters to just capture the area or aircraft that you want to log.
Once I get my Radarbox (soon I hope) I would like to be able to offer the same sort of add on utilities (if it is possible to capture the shared data from Radarbox)


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Re: Reports
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2008, 10:37:06 AM »
That’s great news. I’m hopefully going to pick up my Airnav system today and will look forward to being able to have an input in all this. It is add-ons like yours and the support you guys have shown that persuaded me to purchase.

Maybe Airnav can do something to help those who contribute to the development like yourselves. A discount maybe on your purchase :)

Allocator…….Thanks for the supporting PM
« Last Edit: April 18, 2008, 10:39:44 AM by Rockeyes »


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Re: Reports
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2008, 09:27:27 PM »
Just a quick note to let you know that I am now the proud owner of an AirNav RB.

First thing learnt is to load the software before plugging in.

The second looks like I’m going to need an external antenna, unless I can find out away to add it to the wireless home network. Ideas?

I’m away for a few days so plenty of time to read up on the manual and try and work out how to get and install local airport airways and boundaries.


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Re: Reports
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2008, 01:51:20 PM »
Installing the outline is easy :-)

See this FAQ:

The outlines are available here:

The message I had from Bones, the creator of the SBS-1 outlines is shown below:


To be honest the data is identical in both as AirNav nicked the format. The only difference is that you don't need all the files in the data set and my AirNav zips are just partial data sets of the originals. The only files you need are:

Lower Airway edges file.

All ATZ and MATZ (Military Aerodrome Traffic Zones).

All CTA (Control Area), TMA (Terminal Control Area) and CTR (Control Zone) airspace.

Permanent Danger, Prohibited and Restricted airspace.

Military ARA, ATA, MTA, TRA, AIAA, E3D Orbit and AARA airspace. TACAN Routes.

Airfield plans.

You are free to play around with my files and produce a reduced data set if you wish - as long as I get due credit for the original work. In doing so I pass my data on directly to the users rather than via official AirNav sources.

Bones has done a lot of excellent for the SBS-1, and did have an equivalent web page for RadarBox although he has removed that now.
