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Author Topic: How do I make my own Airline Logo's?  (Read 42156 times)

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AirNav Team

  • AirNav Systems
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How do I make my own Airline Logo's?
« on: April 10, 2008, 11:11:41 AM »
The airline logo's are standard Windows bitmaps at a size of 76 x 16 pixels.  They are stored in the following directory:

C:/Program Files/AirNav Systems/AirNav Radarbox 2008/Data/Logos

The logo should be named to match the ICAO Flight ID shown in the RadarBox aircraft lists, so to show the logo for British Airways aircraft, for example BAW123 - then the logo should be named BAW.bmp (the BAW.bmp logo is already included with RadarBox - this is just shown here as an example of how logo's work).

For new and updated logo's, see the following thread:

« Last Edit: April 12, 2008, 02:51:49 PM by AirNav Team »