How many other completely non-committal business do any of you know who continually make false promises, mis-representations, and more annoyingly churn out bog standard responses offering no information at all ?
I'd really love to see where the company I work for would end up, if it treated its customers with the same lack of respect AirNav treat theirs.
Maybe they'll lock the thread like they normally do ?
I gave up as a volunteer database updater because of the lack of support received from AirNav in the infancy of the database update programme .
To my mind the same amateur approach is taken to development work, and there is very little we customers can do about this non-existent (which irrespective of what anyone says - it is) development of their MAIN product.
This isn't some "off shoot" product we're talking about is it?
I'll ask many people are working on all this in the background as either full time or part time developers?
Jaskel - I think your comments are totally misguided, but hey , that's my opinion.
I have a tin of beans at home. On the tin it says "Beans". Can't deny that's what they are, but it also says on the tin, "Best before August 2009"
Enough said???????????