488294 SP-AWW A109 c/n 22290
EPMO is actually closed for larger aircraft A320/B737, from 22nd december to atleast 1 january, because they found cracks in the new runway!
A7333/12 - RWY 08/26 CLSD. 24 DEC 13:34 2012 UNTIL 08 JAN 23:59 2013. CREATED: 24 DEC 13:36 2012
"Wizz Breaking news" "Following weeks of continual distruption at Warsaw Modlin Airport, Wizz Air, the largest low-cost, low-fare airline in Central and Eastern Europe, today has taken the unprecedented decision to move all its Christmas operations from midnight 17th December until midnight 8th January from Modlin Airport (WMI) to Warsaw Chopin (WAW). "
All RYR flights operates from EPWA instead of EPMO.