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Author Topic: Various comments  (Read 58141 times)

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Re: Various comments
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2012, 09:47:34 AM »
Very nice web site AN, thank you.

I have to agree with a previous post, it going to be difficult if the whole map is covered in route lines, but no doubt you will sort that one out soon.

We live under a rock:  Table Mountain

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Re: Various comments
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2012, 10:46:18 AM »
Upon opening Chrome's dev tools I get a couple of 404's, probably a path issue: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
GET 404 (Not Found)
GET 404 (Not Found) mootools-core-1.4.3-full-compat-yc.js:303

and a bunch of Exceptions :
Exception caught processing flight data TypeError: Cannot read property 'RYR' of null RadarBoxApp.js:4930
Exception caught processing flight data TypeError: Cannot read property 'MSR' of null RadarBoxApp.js:4930
Exception caught processing flight data TypeError: Cannot read property 'DLH' of null RadarBoxApp.js:4930
Exception caught processing flight data TypeError: Cannot read property 'MAU' of null RadarBoxApp.js:4930
Exception caught processing flight data TypeError: Cannot read property 'GOL' of null RadarBoxApp.js:4930


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Re: Various comments
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2012, 10:57:57 AM »
Hi Airnav,
As the RadarBox, the RadarBox24 is very heavy and uses too much CPU.

Is it possible to make it lighter? And do the same with the new version of RadarBox?


AirNav 3D Development

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Re: Various comments
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2012, 02:57:14 PM »
Very nice web site AN, thank you.

I have to agree with a previous post, it going to be difficult if the whole map is covered in route lines, but no doubt you will sort that one out soon.


Hi John,

We are working on fixing the route line issue. We are working to only show the current flight trail only. We may create an option to show more (in the user preferences) but we need to discuss this more with the team. Thank you for the feedback.

AirNav 3D Development

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Re: Various comments
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2012, 03:01:16 PM »
Upon opening Chrome's dev tools I get a couple of 404's, probably a path issue: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
GET 404 (Not Found)
GET 404 (Not Found) mootools-core-1.4.3-full-compat-yc.js:303

and a bunch of Exceptions :
Exception caught processing flight data TypeError: Cannot read property 'RYR' of null RadarBoxApp.js:4930
Exception caught processing flight data TypeError: Cannot read property 'MSR' of null RadarBoxApp.js:4930
Exception caught processing flight data TypeError: Cannot read property 'DLH' of null RadarBoxApp.js:4930
Exception caught processing flight data TypeError: Cannot read property 'MAU' of null RadarBoxApp.js:4930
Exception caught processing flight data TypeError: Cannot read property 'GOL' of null RadarBoxApp.js:4930

Hi Dan,

Those 404 are actually ok in this case. When a flight is selected, we try to load the side-view 3D rendering or the active airport logo. If the async load fails with a 404, we then replace it with the default image. Our goal is to get all of the side-view renderings and logos complete so the 404 will never happen, but in the meantime, the 404 triggers the default image to show.

The Exception on line 4930 you posted is indeed a problem. I am investigating this one right now. Thank you for catching it!

AirNav 3D Development

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Re: Various comments
« Reply #20 on: November 20, 2012, 03:10:07 PM »
Hi Airnav,
As the RadarBox, the RadarBox24 is very heavy and uses too much CPU.

Is it possible to make it lighter? And do the same with the new version of RadarBox?


Hi Aerotower,

The current beta release is not yet optimized for performance so it will run very heavy. Slower PCs will likely show a JavaScript warning saying something about becoming "non responsive". We are planning to do some significant optimizations to prevent this as we get closer to the full public release.

In the meantime, changing the aircraft labels settings (in Options->Map in the left column) to "on hover" and setting the Aircraft Type Icons to "Simple" and unchecking "Animate Aircraft" will all really help with the CPU usage. If you get a chance, try changing those settings and see if you notice a significant difference in CPU usage.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 03:33:36 PM by AirNav 3D Development »


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Re: Various comments
« Reply #21 on: November 20, 2012, 04:38:27 PM »
The more I use the site, the more I like it!

Love the links to airports data and logo, and I'm looking forward to the arrivals/departure boards when you get them working.

I wonder whether an aircraft database could be added with basic data (pax, range, dimensions, speeds etc) about each aircraft type would be possible and useful. I would I guess have to be based on the actual aircraft model as, for example, a B748 could be pax or freight, and an A330 could be civil or mil. The Mobile Aircraft Encyclopedia smartphone app has the sort of stuff I'm talking about, but that uses aircraft ICAO codes.

It could add interest.



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Re: Various comments
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2012, 05:02:31 PM »
Another request - can you timestamp the Events Ticker?



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Re: Various comments
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2012, 05:27:54 PM »
Hi Airnav,
As the RadarBox, the RadarBox24 is very heavy and uses too much CPU.

Is it possible to make it lighter? And do the same with the new version of RadarBox?


Hi Aerotower,

The current beta release is not yet optimized for performance so it will run very heavy. Slower PCs will likely show a JavaScript warning saying something about becoming "non responsive". We are planning to do some significant optimizations to prevent this as we get closer to the full public release.

In the meantime, changing the aircraft labels settings (in Options->Map in the left column) to "on hover" and setting the Aircraft Type Icons to "Simple" and unchecking "Animate Aircraft" will all really help with the CPU usage. If you get a chance, try changing those settings and see if you notice a significant difference in CPU usage.

Hi guys,

I did what you suggested but I still have peaks of 50% of CPU usage.

As you can see, the RadarBox also has peaks of 50% or more without even having the radar on, just working with the software and get METAR's information and send FTP's.



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Re: Various comments
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2012, 02:33:36 AM »
Great work, AirNav. A few comments.

I'm getting many aircraft showing route spikes - as in the attached screenshot - can you filter these out?

Keep up the good work!


I am also getting many spikes to the same point off the west Africa post.  I believe this may be the zero North zero East position, where the Greenwich meridian crosses the equator.  Looks like the software is taking temporary drop outs of position info literally, as the aircraft then being at zero North zero East.  The lines need to ignore any zero zero indications.


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Re: Various comments
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2012, 03:03:23 AM »
For the US data that is shown in Green, would it be possible to tie up an N-Number flight ID to see whether the corresponding N number was in the radarbox database.

For example over Hawaii the following flight was being shown, but with no model or details of operator

unique_id:   616452
Flight No:   N97974
From:   PHJR (JRF) - JRF (Kapolei)
To:   PHMU (JRF) - PHMU (Kamuela Hawaii Island)
Registration:   N97974
Altitude:   5900 ft (1798 m)
Speed:   170 kt (315 km/h, 196 mph)
Course:   109 °
Data Source:   Honolulu (PZHN)

This airframe is in our Radarbox database as a Mooney M20J 201 owned by Hawaii Planing Mill Ltd


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Re: Various comments
« Reply #26 on: November 21, 2012, 12:05:15 PM »
I have noticed the flight data on the website is delayed by about 40-45 secs.  I have seen many aircraft taking off and landing to/from LHR with about 1000ft below from the actual altitude and about 40-45sec positional data difference between the Website data and my Radarbox software display.  Radarbox software data is correct, I can listen on my scanner when aircraft report heading and altitude.

AirNav 3D Development

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Re: Various comments
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2012, 02:54:23 PM »

Hi guys,

I did what you suggested but I still have peaks of 50% of CPU usage.

As you can see, the RadarBox also has peaks of 50% or more without even having the radar on, just working with the software and get METAR's information and send FTP's.



It appears from your screenshot that the change of settings did help reduce the CPU load for RadarBox24 (the web application). RB24 runs completely inside of the browser process (in your case it is firefox.exe). It went from about 27% down to 6% after you changed the settings (normally the usage varies depending on whether new data is arriving or if the map is being moved etc). The process you see in your Task Manager called ANRB.exe is the Windows client software version of RadarBox and it currently doesn't interact directly with the firefox process so they are completely independent in terms of CPU usage. This means if you change the settings in RB24 web application, it wont reduce the CPU usage of ANRB.exe.

I will forward your post to the Windows software team (who specialize in the ANRB process) and see if they can give you any ideas how to bring down that 50% CPU usage. Can you post (or email me [email protected]) your system specs so it gives us an idea of the hardware you are using?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2012, 03:00:10 PM by AirNav 3D Development »

AirNav 3D Development

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Re: Various comments
« Reply #28 on: November 21, 2012, 02:56:14 PM »
For the US data that is shown in Green, would it be possible to tie up an N-Number flight ID to see whether the corresponding N number was in the radarbox database.

For example over Hawaii the following flight was being shown, but with no model or details of operator

unique_id:   616452
Flight No:   N97974
From:   PHJR (JRF) - JRF (Kapolei)
To:   PHMU (JRF) - PHMU (Kamuela Hawaii Island)
Registration:   N97974
Altitude:   5900 ft (1798 m)
Speed:   170 kt (315 km/h, 196 mph)
Course:   109 °
Data Source:   Honolulu (PZHN)

This airframe is in our Radarbox database as a Mooney M20J 201 owned by Hawaii Planing Mill Ltd


Great suggestion. This will get us that aircraft type and airline/owner fields for the flight tab. I will add this feature to our feature list. Thanks for the input.

AirNav 3D Development

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Re: Various comments
« Reply #29 on: November 21, 2012, 02:59:25 PM »
I have noticed the flight data on the website is delayed by about 40-45 secs.  I have seen many aircraft taking off and landing to/from LHR with about 1000ft below from the actual altitude and about 40-45sec positional data difference between the Website data and my Radarbox software display.  Radarbox software data is correct, I can listen on my scanner when aircraft report heading and altitude.


We are discussing this internally and working to reduce this number to the absolute minimum. Thank you for the comment. This is a very important point.