Mode-s Hex code, Squawk and Callsign will only be accepted when received fro the third time.
I guess my only question is whether THREE is the right threshold. Obviously the higher the threshold, the more "bad" data will be excluded, but the more "good" data may be lost. So, I did an experiment (yes, I know, I've got too much time on my hands!!!).
I have a recorded file of ModeS messages (using testmodes.exe), containing 232,263 messages. Within this there are 2,544 FlightID messages and 21,310 Squawk Code messages.
Out of the 53 HexCode/FlightID combinations received:
2 were received once only.
2 were received twice only.
49 others were received 3 or more times.
And out of 98 HexCode/Squawk combinations received:
3 were received once only.
2 were received only twice.
93 were receive 3 more more times.
So, albeit with a relatively small sample, with a requirement for 3 matches, that will represent a potential loss (if none were actually corrupted) of:
7.5% of FlightIDs.
5% of Squawk Codes.
Alternatively, with a requirement for 2 matches, that will represent a potential loss (if none were actually corrupted) of:
3.8% of FlightIDs.
3% of Squawk Codes.
I guess I'm just questioning whether THREE is the best threshold to use, or whether TWO would be better - any thoughts?