Looking good however, I just noted a Radarbox derived flight VRD0420 being followed by its 5 minutes delayed ASDI derived flight VRD420. Also Radarbox derived flight DAL836 followed by its 5 mimutes delayed ASDI derived DAL836.
Where Radarbox is providing the data, the ASDI version should be ignored somehow.
Regarding ASDI airline traffic I note some flights contain the registration and some dont, why is that?
Just looked up ASDI provided flight N522BA, other than the registration no other details are provided. All details have been available in the d/b for over two years so why not on screen. Has the d/b still to be integrated into RB24. For your info a new Navdata will be provided before the end of September.
Some flights while displaying a flight ID, dont show the airline on the grid details. The flight ID on most occasions is available in the d/b. New ICAO and IATA flight ID's will be added to the next Navdata.
Is it intended to provide a recording feature at some stage?
Sometimes when watching the screen the aircraft symbols, ASDI and radarbox provided flash out and in.