Fleetlist of Luftsportverein Kreis Osterode e.V.
D-3489, D-4178, D-4238, D-4599, D-5474, D-6108 (
http://lsv-osterode.de/ueberuns/flugzeugparkverein/sg38/img/gr_sg38.jpg ) D-6752, D-7125 and D-KAOG)
As usual one to see how it looks and all in the (so called mikro) zip file. One airframe is missing in the list, because I wasn't able to obtain the reg from its picture on their website.
BTW: I started to do them due to the fact, that I usually do copies for the whole fleet if I get my hands on the list. So I asked myself why not posting them in a zip instead of saying: hey this is the Logo of this Company/Club but they are owing this airframes too. Download this Logo, copy and rename it to the others. In my opinion it's enough, if one person have to do this "stupid" work.