Morning, the unknowns from Saturday:
3413C0 (Spain, flight id: IBE3588, decoding error of 3413C8)
3C49A0 (Germany, no flight id, second time - first was on June 20th this year, no luck with details. )
3D1F00 (Germany, flight id: DEKDF, decoding error of 3D1F63)
3FEE75 (Germany, flight id: DMKSW, still no luck with the details)
3FEF54 (Germany, flight id: DMMBA, still no luck with the details)
3FF042 (Germany, flight id: DMGIE, The dulv indicates that this is a PNR3 Alpi Pioneer 300 Private cn:?)
3FF174 (Germany, flight id: DMCNA, no luck with the details)
3FF19B (Germany, flight id: DMCBP, still no luck with the details)
45AA90 (Denmark, no flight id, nothing more)
484137 (Netherlands, flight id: KLM79G, decoding error of 484133)
4BA741 (Turkey, no flight id, was TC-IZA, but is now SP-ABK of Bingo Airways)
Wish you a nice Sunday!
BR Ingo