As far as I am aware A6-ESG has never been seen or photographed as such, only reported as G-STRJ being 'assigned' A6-ESG (by whom I do not know), and due to it being a B733 not a B734 I was under the impression that it was finally painted as A6-ESR (to be in sequence with A6-ESS the other ex Astreus B733 G-STRI). The B734's are A6-ESE and A6-ESF.
UAE codes can't be decoded as with US and Russia etc but I agree 896368 is A6-ESR (as per John H's report from Turkey) but convinced it is ex G-STRJ from what I saw today. A6-ESR has not yet been to the sandpit but once it is we will try to sort it out once and for all.