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Author Topic: Developments  (Read 95645 times)

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Re: Developments
« Reply #75 on: July 25, 2012, 07:04:08 PM »
"In resume we are working hard and all of our users will be be very happy to what we are planning to release before the end of August which will bring a new dimension to the RadarBox world. We understand it is frustrating for you not to get more details about these projects but please be confident on our work and our efforts to continue to grow on the Virtual RadarBox hobby."

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.  We're getting nowhere because Airnav Radar Box is going nowhere. 

Time to move on chaps, time to move on.


"unfortunately this forum is followed by thousands of members"   

Words fail me.


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Re: Developments
« Reply #76 on: July 26, 2012, 02:54:42 AM »
I'm not waiting any longer for the update or the new RB5, because waiting for something that is delayed and delayed and... gets me (very) frustrated. And after frustration there comes anger, which which leads to higher blood pressure, which leads to shortening of life-span. So, in interest of my own health and soul-peace I stopped waiting and it worked quite well for a quite long time. But know, thanks to this thread,  the frustration is about to coming back.

Just a thought: Maybe it's better that the release is taking so much time and is finally resulting in a new SW Version that is having less bugs then 4.03, as to launch one that have an equal number or much worse even a higher number of bugs or function failures and other mishap. I remember a operating system called VISTA which was a very deep toilette fishing thing. I won't like to get a RB SW Version that is working as well as VISTA did. 
Greetings from northern Germany, Ingo
11.75nm ESE of EDDV

SW: ANRB v5.00.072/6.01.001 on WIN10 64Bit Pro&Home
Ant.: DPD Productions ADS-B Vertical Outdoor Base Antenna
AMP: Kuhne electr. KU LNA 1090 A TM
Cable: 25m of ECOFLEX 15+
NB: Asus P53E 24/7 op.
PC: 28"4K + 24" Monitor
AirSpy mini @RPi3


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Re: Developments
« Reply #77 on: July 26, 2012, 09:34:54 AM »
So, to summarise my understanding of where we are:

1. There is a v4.04 version released to a few users in Singapore, but the only bug this attempts to fix is the equatorial black hole.  Coverage around Singapore looks pretty solid at the moment.

2. Any other bug fixes will now have to wait for v5 of the Windows Radarbox client software, which is a separate code base.

3. Any new features, such as multilateration/beamfinder will now have to wait for v5 of the Windows Radarbox client software or v2 of the Radarbox hardware, along with the back-end server changes.

4. Timescales are unknown, so it's pointless to speculate when these will be available.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 10:00:08 AM by tarbat »


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Re: Developments
« Reply #78 on: July 26, 2012, 03:23:51 PM »
Not only has nothing been done to fix any of the bugs listed by Tarbet except perhaps the Equatorial Black Hole problem, which I can’t imagine the vast majority of users are particularly interested in anyway, but someone managed to create another one in the 20120701 navdata.db3 database.
How a straight forward new issue of a database which has been updated without any problems several times previously can be cocked up is hard to imagine.  Surely it shouldn’t be difficult to correct it.
Judging from the number of people submitting info to the updaters, the database updates are widely appreciated but it would seem that the problem is of little concern to AirNav who haven’t even responded to the several forum members who reported it.
More annoying to me is that Alan, who freely puts so much time and effort into it has personally asked that it be sorted out but unless something has happened since his last post on the matter, even he is banging his head against a wall.
Come on AirNav, get your act together. You must recognise from the comments posted on here that a lot of your customers, and may I suggest possible future ones who use the forum to weigh up the pros and cons of R/Box, are disillusioned with your ‘customer care’.
Oh, and in case you think I’m slagging off the RadarBox unit I’m not.
I wouldn’t like to be without mine, I consider it to be the best VR on the market, and would recommend it to anyone. It’s just that in terms of PR, actions and promised actions, you are so frustrating. 
« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 03:26:18 PM by Hawkeye »

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Re: Developments
« Reply #79 on: July 26, 2012, 05:51:45 PM »
Nothing yet Syd but I am contacting tonight to see if we can have a new one run off, fingers crossed



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Re: Developments
« Reply #80 on: July 26, 2012, 10:15:41 PM »
As the old saying goes  'It takes ages to gain a good reputation but only seconds to loose it' At the moment although the product is good, (it was very good until a couple of years ago) the customer care is at the opposite end of the scale, so I for one will not invest money in a new product that Airnav produces until I can see a big improvement in aftersales care.



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Re: Developments
« Reply #81 on: July 28, 2012, 03:47:44 PM »
Another week has pass and still no info from AirNav. Just double talk and a "We could care less about updates for our customers and product attitude".


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Re: Developments
« Reply #82 on: July 28, 2012, 06:14:20 PM »
Hi All

Unless AN come up with something wonderful in the next few weeks then i give up i will keep my box but will not subscribe to any new functions.

I currently susbscribe to another supplier for Planeplotter which for a small cost gives me some info on military aircraft in my area. However this is not brilliant and i do get lots of errors where i live in SE england but i can cope with it

I have waited nearly two years  for updates but nothing had occurred except the same excuses. My guess is that as soon as they make a new issue of software we will have to pay...

I dont't want to be  a doom and gloom person but when the wonderful suppliers of updates and logos give up who will take over ?.

I wish to thank the people like Alan & Rod who put in the effort to keep AN alive.

I love my box but not the support and the response from AN.

I don't think AN will respond to this post unless it is the usual repsonse of ' we cannot comment due to .....'

Please AN don't keep giving us  Release a version to sort out known  bugs for the majority of users.




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Re: Developments
« Reply #83 on: July 28, 2012, 07:31:53 PM »
I wish to thank the people like Alan & Rod who put in the effort to keep AN alive.

 I'm sure Alan would be the first to also recognise the efforts of the two Andrews and "ACW" on the updaters team, who do a hell of a lot in the background that isn't always given credit for.

Meanwhile, Rod will no doubt one day make the New Years Honours List for efforts to RadarBox




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Re: Developments
« Reply #84 on: July 29, 2012, 06:49:50 AM »
Hi Rich

Thanks for highlighting those who need recognition for all the work they put in that i did not mention



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Re: Developments
« Reply #85 on: July 29, 2012, 09:21:38 AM »
Let me add my thanks to all members who have contributed so generously of their time to keep RB updated and improved.

It is fair to say that your work alone has kept RB alive and kicking and without you many boxes would have been binned long ago.


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Re: Developments
« Reply #86 on: July 29, 2012, 10:33:10 AM »
Its the complete lack of progress updates from Airnav Development that frustrate me most.  I've put so much into the development of Radarbox and ShipTrax over the years, including things like DF20/21 decoding, SQLite database design, silhouettes process, route lookups, SAR tracking, 3D ship model design, AIS sharing, OSM mapping, MLAT testing, etc.

The last I knew, Radarbox 2 was in development (that was May 2011), MLAT testing was due to start December last year, and v5 software development was well underway with a dedicated team of 5 programmers.  Yet still we have no idea if RB2 and v5 software will be delivered this year, next year, sometime, never?

I give up.  Sorry Airnav, but I feel let down.  My loyalty has run out.  The vast majority of your customers aren't interested in radarbox24, or AIS network development.  The only product that matters to them is Radarbox (hardware & software).
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 10:37:04 AM by tarbat »


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Re: Developments
« Reply #87 on: July 29, 2012, 12:29:02 PM »
I really liked the RadarBox software with all the integrated features - the aircraft list with pictures, autopopulated informations and the 3D view. That's why I bought a RadarBox and not a different ADS-B receiver.
But since I have bought the box a couple of years ago, there was no update and no patch for existing errors. I was hoping that there will be a new release of the software with bugfixes. But not even small bugs that are really easy to fix have been implemented...

Two weeks ago I gave up and bought the newest version of the ADB-S receiver of one of the major competitors. I still like the graphical interface of the RadarBox software more but I am so impressed what kind of data I am able to receive! I could never think of that. And the software seems to be improved continually. One of my favourite new features is the display of the target altitude that has been entered by the pilot and the integrated ACARS receiving.
I can also have a 3D cockpit view and a 3D display of the aircraft data. It is not as nice as the RadarBox version with the different aircraft models and textures. That's really cool. But at least the planes are displayed at the correct altitude. That's the bug that annoyed me the most and that has never been fixed, despite it is just a multiplication that needs to be added to the current code...

I will follow this forum. Maybe I will get my RadarBox back out of the cupboard when a new software version with bugfixes is available... But I don't think that there will ever be one...
It's really sad as I always liked my RadarBox.

And again thanks to everyone who maintained the databases, logos, etc. I have always downloaded the newest versions and without your work I had bought another product much earlier! It was you guys keeping RadarBox users happy. It was not the effort of Airnav... They can be happy that they have so enthusiastic customers who spend so much time for free!


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Re: Developments
« Reply #88 on: July 29, 2012, 01:21:46 PM »
It's really not looking good is it AirNav?

Whilst the work of the updaters and Rod's endless "add-ons" provide a (possibly false) picture of continued progression on the forum,Tarbat has relentlessly fought the RadarBox cause for many years, and often takes some really unfair criticism on other forums. I don't think any of us can start to contemplate the work he has put in to move the product forward?

His stance has been nothing short of remarkable.

It saddens me to read his post above, especially in light of the suggestions as to where the software may have been going in the future as alluded to in his post.

I completely agree with his comments. RadarBox 24??  Really???

Over the last three or so years, certain people have come on here, expressing disdain with certain developments and despite offering constructive criticism, often leading to fairly vocal and nasty comments being exchanged, have pretty much been fairly accurate with their viewpoints. Unfortunately, it seems their views and opinions have been pretty much shown to be more than valid.

The day Tarbat hangs up his boots, is practically the day that this forum membership looses touch completely with the product as far as I can see?

Shame on you AirNav...................

Tarbat, I sincerely hope you may be able to reconsider your stance with this, but fully understand your position. All I can say, is thanks for all your efforts with the product. You deserve much much more than you have been given.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 01:23:29 PM by Marpleman »


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Re: Developments
« Reply #89 on: July 29, 2012, 02:49:57 PM »
I got a new knee on the NHS quicker than an update from AN, and my new knee seems to be working fine.
Best wishes to Tarbat, Rod,and so many more who have put so much into our pastime,  Dave.
Dave. Exmoor, North Devon.