Its the complete lack of progress updates from Airnav Development that frustrate me most. I've put so much into the development of Radarbox and ShipTrax over the years, including things like DF20/21 decoding, SQLite database design, silhouettes process, route lookups, SAR tracking, 3D ship model design, AIS sharing, OSM mapping, MLAT testing, etc.
The last I knew, Radarbox 2 was in development (that was May 2011), MLAT testing was due to start December last year, and v5 software development was well underway with a dedicated team of 5 programmers. Yet still we have no idea if RB2 and v5 software will be delivered this year, next year, sometime, never?
I give up. Sorry Airnav, but I feel let down. My loyalty has run out. The vast majority of your customers aren't interested in radarbox24, or AIS network development. The only product that matters to them is Radarbox (hardware & software).