Confirming: Auto-Report not working -again.
Further: Manual sending is quitted with the (stupid) check firewall notification, although data isn't blocked and is starting to be transmitted. No restart, Firewall/Anti-Virus program updates within the past 24h. So I presume 99,9% of times were the "check" statement comes, the dead end is your side. Please remove that useless/false notification by a "Sorry we are encountering some technical issues on our side. Please try again much (very much) later. We apologize for any problems aso."
Perhaps it might be a good idea to go back to the ancient time were the report and alert mails aren't processed through your server. Or at least giving the possibility to chose how the alert/report mails are send. Just a thought for next version. I'm getting tired with the continuing working, not working, working, not working, not working, not working, oh working again and statement: "This situation should now be 100% solved." And guess what: not working, just one day later. Sorry, to say it just right away and very clear: This is not a very reliable and trust-able behaviour and can't be very good for your reputation.