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Author Topic: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129  (Read 37468 times)

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Runway 31

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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #45 on: March 22, 2012, 10:59:08 AM »

You must have another Navdata.db3 file which is being read by Airnav else you would be getting circa 133,000 aircraft.

Use Windows search to look for occurances of Navdata.db3 and tell me where they are located



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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #46 on: March 22, 2012, 11:13:43 PM »
I have done a thorough search and the only navdata file installed is the back-up created in the Data file when I downloaded the new file. I have deleted this from the folder but still no 133K aircraft. 

Runway 31

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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #47 on: March 23, 2012, 09:58:38 AM »

Please excuse me if I am asking some seemingly silly questions here as I am just trying to get to the root of your problem.

I note from your reply on 21st March you state the file in your data folder is named Navdata 27/02/2012 etc, the date on the Navdata.db3 file in the data folder should be the date you installed it on your computer not the date Airnav produced the file.  Airnav published the file on 29/01/2012 hence the name of this thread.

The date of the installed Navdata cannot therefore be 27/01 as it is before the publication date.  When you downloaded the Navdata from here,  did you tell the installer to run or save the update.  If you told it to save, the update will not be installed but will be saved to the location you advised it to.

I would suggest you click on the link and click the RUN button, do not click save.  As you have installed Airnav to the default location just go with what Airnav advises during the process.  Radarbox should be off during the install process and can be restarted once the Navdata is installed.

I do not know how literate you are in the way of computers and if I am completely wrong in my above assumptions please excuse me as this is not easy from a distance.



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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #48 on: March 23, 2012, 11:39:42 PM »
I have installed using Run, but still refuses to accept the new database. Getting very frustrated as there is no trace of any previous NavData on the PC. I did have to reinstall Windows after a major corruption, but have deleted the Program File from the "old" stored version.

Runway 31

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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2012, 09:21:13 AM »

I know what you mean by frustration!! the 12 hours or so between question and reply doesnt help either.

You must have a Navdata somewhere on the computer or else you wouldnt get any registrations etc shown on your screen and wouldnt have 88,000 frames.  Be very careful what you delete when you are unsure of your ways around a computer.

It would help if you could tell me the location of Airnav on your computer i.e. C:\Programe Files\Airnav Systems\Radarbox, if you have installed to the default this will be the case and i use this assumption when giving the advice.

If you have run the update the new Navdata must be somewhere on the computer, but again if you have used the default with the Navdata installer it would have sent the updated Navadata to the program files location and.  Carry out a search again for NavData.db3, using solely that statement.  This will show you all occurances with that in the name in your computer.  There should be a few different ones but you must remember that it is only Navdata.db3 you are interested in, nothing else with any further additions.  This Navdata.db3 should be dated with the install date which I presume is yesterdays date and will be around 27,000KB in size.

You will need to move the updated Navdata.db3 from wherever you have installed it to on the computer, to the correct place which if you have installed Radarbox to the default location should be c:\Program Files\AirnavSystems\AirNav Radarbox\Data. Moving it into the correct location will mean that you will be asked if you are sure you want to do this, answer yes.

Re-start and hopefully it will work.



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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #50 on: March 24, 2012, 11:14:01 AM »
I have Radarbox installed in C:\ProgramFiles\AirNav Systems\Radarbox. I have done another search and found some old NavData files in Recycle Bin. I've deleted these, reinstalled under Run and still no luck.
I'm in the process of searching the whole PC again, which is taking some time. Hopefully, I'll find the offending file somewhere. Rapidly running out of ideas.

Runway 31

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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #51 on: March 24, 2012, 12:26:41 PM »
A search using windows search should take a matter of minutes.

With that location, the update should have went into the data folder OK.  Unfortunatly the programme file location will cause you problems with the windows virtual store and if I was you I would uninstal radarbox and change the default location to something like c\Airnav.  The when you carry out the update send it to Radarbox at that location.

If Radarbox is running OK, I would suggest you leave it as it is and await the new version of Radrabox hopefully sometime this year.  This version will do away with Navdaat updates as we know them.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 12:31:00 PM by Runway 31 »


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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #52 on: March 24, 2012, 01:43:01 PM »
I'm following this issue for quite a while, and I'm not 100% sure, that you have already determined the "active" installation folder. Here is a short way to find it:

-Run ANRB Software
-go to Reporter an then generate a LOG by clicking on Generate.
-then click on "Save to File"

You should get something like this:

That's the path to your "active" installation. 

The "Data" folder is in the same folder as the "log" folder.

If you like you can download a uncompressed version of my navdata.db3 ( ). There are 136.450 airframes in the list.

Stop the ANRB Software and copy this file to the "Data" folder you have found.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 01:46:37 PM by neroon79 »
Greetings from northern Germany, Ingo
11.75nm ESE of EDDV

SW: ANRB v5.00.072/6.01.001 on WIN10 64Bit Pro&Home
Ant.: DPD Productions ADS-B Vertical Outdoor Base Antenna
AMP: Kuhne electr. KU LNA 1090 A TM
Cable: 25m of ECOFLEX 15+
NB: Asus P53E 24/7 op.
PC: 28"4K + 24" Monitor
AirSpy mini @RPi3


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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #53 on: March 30, 2012, 10:18:52 PM »
Sorry for the delay in replying, but I've not been too good plus a trip away. I reinstalled Radarbox in it's own folder not under Program Files. The system seems to be working better, but, still no 133K aircraft when I downloaded the latest database. Think I'll give up until the promised update later this year that does away with updates.
Just like to thank everbody for their help over the last couple of weeks.

Runway 31

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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #54 on: March 31, 2012, 07:08:13 AM »
No problems Brisbane, hope you are feeling a bit better.  Sorry I couldnt help but at least the programme still works and if you see an unknown aircraft if you click on it hopefully its details at leadt will download.



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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #55 on: April 03, 2012, 03:18:56 PM »
I also have the sam problem I have downloaded the new one and still only have 81787 rows
my DATA folder  has a MYLOG.DB3     a  NAVDATA.DB3 (DATED 27/01/2012) and a NAVDATA -BACKUP.DB3  DATED 19/2/2009

Mine is  a new 3D version  4.03
help please

Runway 31

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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #56 on: April 03, 2012, 03:26:29 PM »

Please use Windows Search for Navdata.db3.  Tell me were they are. 

Also which version of windows do you use and which path do you Airnav installed to.

Did you have a previous version of Airnav installed prior to 4.03?

« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 03:30:19 PM by Runway 31 »


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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #57 on: April 03, 2012, 05:30:53 PM »
I have clicked on search programs/files typed in navdata.db3 and it comes up with nothing found
I am using Windows 7 and this is a new airnav 3d  I havnt had it before

Runway 31

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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #58 on: April 03, 2012, 05:42:19 PM »
Nick,  Going by your answer it looks like you have saved the Navdata but havent installed it.

Like  I advised the other chap you will need to Run the file not just save it.  Did you run or save the file from the website.  If you saved it you will require to run it by double clicking it or could I suggest you go to and press RUN.  Ensure Airnav is off when you do so.



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Re: New Navdata.db3 - 20120129
« Reply #59 on: April 03, 2012, 05:57:56 PM »
hi Alan
I have now sorted it
I  rechecked my pc for NavDATA.db3 and found it had installed to my c:\user... file
I dont know why because I only installed to my Airnav directory.I have now deleted the copies in the
C:\user...... files and have opened my airnav and heyho  I now have 136148 rows in my aircraft list.

Many many thanks for your help as I wouldnt have resolved the problem without it.