Today our forum reached 5000 members.
We are the world's most important Virtual Radar technology forum on the internet.
Our team would like to express our gratitude for all the dedication every forum member devotes to AirNav RadarBox and to helping other users.
When we started we were just a few testing a brand new product coming to a new market, up to that time, controlled by a single company.
Thanks to extreme hard work in software and hardware development, in improving the quality of RadarBox month after month not only with new client software releases but with permanent deployment of new server solutions, AirNav RadarBox is and has been for a few years the total leader in Virtual Radar technology (according to Virtual Radar systems vendors).
As we've always told our users work never stops at our company. As soon as ShipTrax is released we will devote all our attention to RadarBox client software improvements. We hope 2012 to be an year where we moved forward from simple tracking technology to much more advanced systems.
To the database updaters volunteer team, to all our team members and to all our forum members a big thank you.