Afternoon, first batch of unknowns from Sunday until Wednesday:
300414 (Italy, flight id: ITALY)
35AB28 (Spain, flight id's: GAMC21, GAMC31)
3C4B1B (Germany, no flight id)
3C4DC0 (Germany, flightid: DLH8YF, could be a decoding error)
3C647D (Germany, no flight id)
3C6673 (Germany, no flight id)
3CC018 (Germany, flight id: DCAAY, D-CAAY LJ55 Learjet 55ER FAI rent-a-jet 55-095 Mk1EB May 2011: )
3D08FE D-EBQS SR20 Cirrus SR20 RheinMain Flightcenter CN:? presented as training airframe on their website: )
3D1449 (Germany, flight id: DEFXX, D-EFXX A210 Aquila A210 RWL German Flight Academy, stated on their news site:[tt_news]=42&tx_ttnews[backPid]=29&cHash=beed87be8d )
3D144B (Germany, flight id: DEFXZ, D-EFXZ A210 Aquile A210 RWL German Flight Academy, was delivered with D-EFXX)
3D1ADA (Germany, flight id: DEIKO, Airframes: D-EIKO DR40 Robin DR-400/180R Remorqueur, Private 1030, but latest Mk1EB i found was from 2005)
3D21B9 (Germany, flight id: DELAF, D-ELAF SR20 Cirrus SR20 G3 Private, CN:? MK1EB / Tannkosh 2011: )
3D277D (Germany, flight id: DENEZ, D-ENEZ P28A Piper PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior 2 Flugsportverein Hoppstädten-Weiersbach e.V. 28-8116207; source airframes. Airframe seems to be available for reservations on owners website)
3D2CB6 (Germany, flight id: DEPEK, D-EPEK SR22 Cirrus SR22 GTSx G3 Private 3351, Mk1EB: Oct. 2011: )
3D3351 (Germany, flight id: DERRL, still nothing on this one)
3D45F7 (Germany, flight id: DEYTB, still nothing on this one)
3D46C2 (Germany, flight id: DEZAW, still nothing on this one)
3E3865 (Germany, flight id: DIMOB, D-IMOB D28D Dornier Do-28D-2 Skyservant SKY DIVE 4199 / EX HA-ACZ,, )
3E690F (Germany, flight id: DKEZF, still nothing on this one)
3FEDDE (Germany, flight id: DMYZZ, D-MYZZ: )
3FEED0 (Germany, flight id: DMEOB, D-MEOB BREZ Aerostyle Bereezer Private CN:? , Mk1EB April 2011: )
That's all for now...