To try to avoid problems with the forum slowing down, this seems like a good time to start a new logos thread - I've locked the old one now, but you can stll download the logos from there - it finished with a zip so that folk can easily keep up to date.
Here's a reminder of the logic currently used to decide which logo is displayed, as given in the first post of the earlier thread.
1 - If the Flight ID is blank or just numeric, no logo.
2 - If the Flight ID is the same as the Registration (with spaces, dashes
etc removed), find a logo file to match. This means that if, for example,
the flight ID for G-WXYZ is GWXYZ, it will display GWXYZ.bmp. If there is no
matching logo file, show a blank.
3 - If the flight ID starts with three or more letters, find a logo file
that matches all those letters. This means that if the Flight ID is TARTAN2,
it will display TARTAN.bmp. If the Flight ID is TAR123, it will display
TAR.bmp. If there is no matching logo file, show a blank.
4 - If the Flight ID starts with two letters, or either of the first two
characters is a letter, look up the two characters in the IATA code (C2)
field of the Airlines table of NavData.db3. Find the corresponding ICAO code
(C3 in the Airlines table) and find the matching logo file. If there is no
match in the table, or no matching logo file, show a blank.
Point 2 - we can create logos for individual aircraft that use their
Registrations as Flight IDs.
Point 3 - we can create logos for missions such as REACH, and we won't get
Aer Arann showing up instead!
Point 4 -we need to update the Airlines table in NavData.db3. A lot of the
data there is old, it doesn't have the latest airlines, and, because so many
aircraft use unofficial two-letter codes instead of their official IATA
two-letter codes, we can edit the table to suit ourselves.
Please post new logos/requests here