ACW367 - why do you just not start up in 2D?
I try to set it up as such - but I never know if it will do it. Sometimes it directly launches the 3D interface, sometimes it lauches direct to the 2D interface but never to the default.ml3 map or the one that was on there when I previously logged off.
Today I timed the start process
9:05 start button pressed, green tablet appears
9:09 green tablet disappears and interface opens (not responding)
9:10 2D map (not the defualt.ml3 or map I primarily use) and local flights appear
9:11 change of 2D map initiated, software not responding, no network flights
9:15 2D map changes local flights responding - no aircraft in mylog from 9:11-9:15
9:17 network flights come up - ready to go
Only 12 minutes today - better than the norm.
The one thing I hope the next version (after a bug fixing patch of course) is that they speed up the startup process and let users specifically set up all startup criteria in the preferences.