the new box is connected now (north germany) and so i can tell you my first impressions and real facts:
Look at the delivered software CD inside cover> Quick installation guide: What do you see on picture 2 and 3? >connect the usb cable to the pc and (pic.3) insert CD> and install the software. That is totally against what the manual tells: There appears a warning that FIRST the software is to install and then as a second step conect the usb cable into the pc. At least that installing of the usb driver!!
When I push the window scroll up/down button in the “MyFlights” list I get on top of the main software-window “AirNav RadarBox 2007 –[default.ml3] (no Backreport)” and the software hangs up for lets say 10 seconds. No action then. After this timeslot it goes on. These problem also appears sometimes when i clik into the map area.
When I start the software I will get in around 150 flights in my area after a timespan of lets say 5 minutes (with outdoor antenna/amplifier at the roof) When I look now in the “MyFlights” list I have only 6-8 flights ( or it varies up/down from 5 to 10-20 flights) where the Status is shown as Decend, Leveled, Cruise, Departure or Climb. The other flights have all the status "Timeout". Why? What does "Timeout" mean in special for having flights shown on the map?
(I speek just about local antenna signals/no network.)
In my view of the things there must be more globe-Status flight data available and no “timeout” status because the signals coming in with 2 - 13Msgs/Sec. Why are not more status data shown as Cruise, climbing etc.?
I have had the fact that for unknown reasons the map shows not any flight. I try around and go to “Map” menu>projection>and switch there from mercator to spherical and back. a wonder: Then the flights came on the map again….
Another example: When I open other software(mutitasking) like MS-Word where I now type these report and close these application down then the radarsoftware as a background application goes in an totally empty white screen an i have to wait again for 10-15 seconds before the radarsoft appears again. In this timespan the mouse curser appears as a cross...
So i saw these new Airnav product at the Hamradio exhibition Friedrichshafen,Lake Constance at the stand of the hardware manufacturer primetec and I bought this by the german dealer Wimo. You can go for sure that I will make my tests in the the next upcoming 4-5 days and when I come to the result that the customer is used as a kind of beta tester ( at a very, very low lewel software version) then I will make use of the famous 14 days “return back to dealer >get money back option” we have here in germany.
Please believe - i`m not against beta testing- but that should have been done by the real beta testers before.
But I will see how the next days go….but for these 4 first hours today it was a disappointment.
Please could you tell me when will you expect the next softwareupdate with (basic!)improvements?
I hope you don`t delete my message. I will tell you my next results and experiences tomorrow.
Thank you very much for your answer.