Nairobi, when will you be online?
Good question. Most likely I'll give radarbox a try. Support on this forum is very impressive.
Then again, for a permanent installation with decent coverage, I'd probably need an antenna tower, with a solid concrete foundation, guy cables, and the works... It's not impossible, several neighbours here, including the UN compound and the US embassy, have 150ft antenna towers with impressive arrays of antennas, but their communications budgets may be slightly bigger than mine. I wish I could simply use their towers, tap into their power supply, mount my equipment, and relay data using wifi - I can see the towers from my office window; but I assume they are not too eager to share their resources. Speaking of budgets, I'm already paying 500$ a month for a meagre 35 kByte/s satellite link - bandwidth only, not including infrastructure (Compared to VSAT infrastructure, radarbox seems almost inexpensive). Anyway, my point is, even if I get to play with a radarbox, it's unlikely I will use precious satellite bandwith to make data available 24/7 for the network. Some time next year (or later...) the submarine fibre connection to East Africa will supposedly be operational, which could reduce bandwidth cost, but don't hold your breath...
Again, thanks for your quick and detailed answers.