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Author Topic: Antenna and installation  (Read 10640 times)

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Re: Antenna and installation
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2011, 10:35:35 PM »
We don't have any money from you. I would kindly asky ou not to post false allegations about our company. Thanks.

To reiterate:
- we don't have any money from you "in our bank" or otherwhere
- we did not charge your credit card, this only happens on the day of shipment. We never shipped any goods to you.
- the reservation of the required amount of your credit card account, which you willingly accepted when making an order at our website, was cancelled days ago and is free at your disposal.
- your order was cancelled on your request
- we apologized for not having an article on stock at the time of order
- we announced that we will learn from this experience and improve our order system

What more do you ask for? We made an error, we apologized, we cancelled that order. What else should we do?

Kind regards,

AirNav Support

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Re: Antenna and installation
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2011, 10:42:36 PM »
Ok can we please take this issue off the forum. Please email each other or PM if possible.

The Bank "hold/authorisation" is a common practise to ensure the credit card given is real and can authorise a purchase. This is also used by us and many other companies. We would advise you to contact your bank and they will be able to release the hold or give you an indication to when it can be released. WiMo have acted correctly in cancelling your order and releasing the hold/authorisation.
Contact Customer/Technical support via:
[email protected]


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Re: Antenna and installation
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2011, 12:56:22 AM »
Ok, thank you very much AirNav Support, on Monday go to my bank, sorry for the inconvenience. For the next time will be more careful where I buy stock and ask for information before applying any product. Thanks to all the Members who helped me.