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Author Topic: Which files should I back up to make sure I keep my data?  (Read 29453 times)

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AirNav Team

  • AirNav Systems
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Which files should I back up to make sure I keep my data?
« on: March 19, 2008, 08:32:31 PM »
RadarBox 2008 uses a SQL Database.  The 2 files which store all the data are:



Both files can be found in the following directory:

C:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\AirNav RadarBox 2008\Data

NavData.db3 is the main source of data and is used to populate aircraft details when you receive them either Live or via the Network.  NavData.db3 will be auto-populated when new aircraft are received, providing you are connected to the Internet.

MyLog.db3 contains record of all the Live aircraft you have received (those shown in the MyFlights aircraft , but not those received by other RadarBox users and shown in the Network list).

If you have a RadarBox and use it on 2 different computers, you can keep the latest copies of NavData.db3 and MyLog.db3 on a USB memory stick, and copy these from one PC to the other.

Make sure you know which is the latest set of data files though, otherwise you might overwrite your latest data!
« Last Edit: March 19, 2008, 10:56:44 PM by AirNav Team »