Do a little test for us when you run it tomoz:
1.) Close anything else running in the background, yes I mean antirvirus and any software firewalls.
2.) Run RadarBox and do not start recording function
3.) Also if you are using USB extentions then just use the default
If anything happens such as a crash pm or email and us and we will get to you to send your elf file so we can see whats going wrong on your pc.
AirNav, I will try your little test later today when I am not so busy with other things.
The tests I have done :
1 Running Visata but without selecting Run As Administrator - it crashes.
2 Running Vista but selecting Run As Administrator - it has been running for 4 hours with Network running and all my PC security intact.
3 I am only running RadaBox on this PC - obviously I have my USB Internet connection running and Virgin Broadband PCGuard as my only PC protection.
I do think that telling people to switch everything else off and to also switch off the firewalls etc is not really a solution. I want to run other programs alongside RB and I expect to be able to do so. I have had RB, SBS1, GAS, FD6 Mil_log and PP all running on my other PC on occassions and NOTHING stopped working - but that was v1.3.
I cant use Radarbox if I cant run the other applications I need that are on my PC. If you cant get it to work with all base platforms then it will have to go..........