Definately a bug in reading the navdata.db3
here is a screenshot of the heathrow approach, with ANA201 in myflights. This route has always been into Heathrow and has not changed with the summer timetable. You can see the info shown, differs from that contained in the Navdata explorer.
Many of the other aircraft visable in myflights are also corrpted.
BMA948 showing EGLL-UUUD - in DB explorer as OSDI-EGLL datestamp 20100407110623
BAW435 showing EGLL-LIMC - in DB explorer as EHAM-EGLL datestamp 20101205141406
SIA308 showing WSSS-YMML - in DB explorer as WSSS-EGLL datestamp 20101203142044
IBE3176 showing correctly as LEMD-EGLL datestamp 20101203150904