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Author Topic: ShipTrax Hardware Box final Layout  (Read 45134 times)

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Re: ShipTrax Hardware Box final Layout
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2010, 02:24:20 AM »
Looks great, I guess the difference between this box and RadarBox, this one looks to be capable of working independently from the OS, as it has its ethernet port to get internet connection, or maybe I should say to spread into internet connection, and this could be easily wired to a router, making it even more easier to maintain the box up and running for the maximum, Great Amazing Design =)


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Re: ShipTrax Hardware Box final Layout
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2010, 10:53:27 PM »
It's a handsome piece of hardware...lets hope it functions as well as it looks!

The addition of an ethernet port could be a huge advantage for me...will I be able to share it between the machines on my network?

Access it remotely maybe?

If only it were PoE then I could power it from the ethernet cable alone with no power supply so the box wouldn't be tied to a power socket...what a bonus.

Would they be wall/surface mounting slots I can see along the side?

Great idea if they are...

Am I alone in thinking that although the unit looks great as soon as you plug anything into this handsome box it will spoil the look with cables trailing out of the front of the box all over the desk?

I suppose it could be turned round but then you lose the function LED's etc.

Next question...any news of when the updated RadarBox hardware that you were teasing me about might come to fruitition and what features might it have over & above the original? ;^)



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Re: ShipTrax Hardware Box final Layout
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2010, 11:02:48 PM »
Am I alone in thinking that although the unit looks great as soon as you plug anything into this handsome box it will spoil the look with cables trailing out of the front of the box all over the desk?

Actually that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the layout. I usually like to have cables out of view at the back of my equipment, but then the LEDs wouldn't be visible...

Then again, I usually cover up most LEDs anyway, with black insulation tape, so they don't "light up" the room at night :)


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Re: ShipTrax Hardware Box final Layout
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2010, 07:24:24 AM »
Then again, I usually cover up most LEDs anyway, with black insulation tape, so they don't "light up" the room at night :)

Tape or not you would still have cables hanging from the front and trailing across your desk or wherever else it might be mounted.

I suppose turning it round would work for you then pjm - cables at the back and no visible LED's? ;^)

For me it would be a bit like buying a painting and then mounting it with the artists work facing the

I know what you mean about LED's lighting up the room at WiNRADiO has this vivid blue LED that seems bright enough to induce migraine or capable of guiding ships through the fog at night!

There is a software option however to turn the LED off which is a very nice touch IMHO.

Kind regards,