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Author Topic: New RadarBox Database Released  (Read 51871 times)

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AirNav Development

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New RadarBox Database Released
« on: February 04, 2011, 04:56:28 AM »
We are happy to announce the release of a brand new aircraft database for AirNav RadarBox. It contains over 90 thousand aircraft details and is the result of an extensive work of a volunteer database updater team.

Installation instructions:
1- Close AirNav RadarBox software if it running;

2- Download the installer from:

3- Run the installer and the new database will be copied to the proper AirNav RadarBox folder;

4- Start AirNav RadarBox and it will start using data from this updated db.

This database contains over 90 thousand aircraft: errors are possible. Please report any incorrect record on the "Database Update Requests" topic:

Also note that the installation routine will override the aircraft database you have on your computer so if you want to keep it do a backup of the navdata.db3 file existing on your RadarBox\Data folder.

We would like to say thanks for the outstanding work of the database updater team who continues to work daily to guarantee that the aircraft database is as accurate as possible. Work continues at AirNav Systems and we will keep you updated when we have more news for the RadarBox and other projects.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 09:07:34 AM by AirNav Development »


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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2011, 07:38:31 AM »
Thank you all concerned.


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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2011, 08:05:55 AM »
Great work guys!!!

It was a pleasure being involved in the project from its birth - sorry I couldn't commit enough time going forward, but well done to andrew for stepping into the task at a critical stage.

Everyone - please,please remember, the guys have given up a huge amount of their personal time to make this happen - there will undoubtedly be errors/omissions etc, but let's keep things reasonable and now build on this vastly superior position we will be in??

AirNav - hopefully we can continue to release further files on a regular basis, as other fixes are effected??

Might I suggest a brief overview of the areas within the database which are still known to not be working correctly,such as photos/ICAO ref mechanics of pulling info back from the server, as otherwise you're going to get bombarded with queries/complaints etc?


« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 08:12:07 AM by Marpleman »

AirNav Development

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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2011, 08:38:39 AM »
We are able to even automate the updater and create a new database each 15 days (or 30 days). Let us first check what has been done until now so we can prepare the future.

Regarding database contents: that's with the updaters.


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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2011, 09:03:59 AM »
Hearty thanks to all concerned in this development.

Well done! :-)


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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2011, 10:11:49 AM »
Sorry to be critical, but this new database doesn't seem to solve the ICAO Type problem.  With this new database I now have over 6000 aircraft with ICAO Type codes that don't have a matching silhouette.  Maybe you need to release a new silhouettes folder, or correct any of these that are invalid ICAO Type Codes.
316   1
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PROC   4
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R722   12
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RF5   8
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RODS   4
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RS18   5
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RV4   33
RYST   2
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S11   6
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S70   6
S75   1
S900   4
SA   1
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SA30   5
SAH1   1
SAKO   1
SASP   4
SAVG   1
SB05   1
SB29   1
SB91   12
SBOY   2
SBR   1
SC01   10
SCAM   1
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SCOU   1
SD36   1
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SEAW   1
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SH33   2
SHEK   1
SIDE   1
SKYC   1
SKYR   2
SNS7   1
SONX   3
SPHA   1
SPST   2
SRAI   5
SREY   2
SS2T   1
ST30   1
ST75   24
STOR   2
SU26   4
SU29   3
SU95   4
SVNH   13
SW2   38
SX30   36
SYCA   2
SYMP   3
Sr22   1
T182   1
T206   1
T210   1
T211   1
T214   10
T28   7
T34   2
T34P   5
T38   40
T38A   1
T51   1
TA20   1
TAIL   1
TAYD   2
TAYM   1
TB21   1
TBEE   1
TBM   1
TCAT   1
TEX   1
TEX2   221
TEXA   1
TF19   1
TGM8   1
TL20   2
TMUS   1
TRIB   1
TRIM   1
TRUN   1
TUCA   3
U21   20
U60   1
UF10   5
UF13   6
UH1   37
UH12   4
UH60   2
UHEL   5
UKAC   1
UL10   1
ULAV   5
ULAX   1
UT75   1
V1   1
V10   2
V322   5
VALI   1
VAMP   9
VENT   112
VENY   1
VIPJ   1
VIX   1
VJ22   1
VL3   6
VM1   1
VNOM   3
VO10   2
VP1   1
VP2   7
VTUR   1
VULC   1
WA40   4
WA41   1
WA42   1
WA59   1
WACC   2
WACO   1
WAIX   1
WASO   1
WASP   2
WB57   1
WESX   2
WFOC   2
WHKN   1
WILT   1
WOPU   1
X182   1
XA42   3
XA85   1
Y18T   12
YK11   3
YK53   1
YK55   8
Z26   16
Z37P   1
Z42   9
Z50   2
ZEPH   2
ZZZZ   477
b407   1
be33   1
c185   1
c414   1
f900   1
fa50   1
g150   1
lj60   1
pc12   2
tbm7   1
tbm8   1


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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2011, 10:29:15 AM »
I would have presumed the new file would give a fix for the old records that previously produced nothing in the ICAO field, but am suprised with the incorrect ones being in there??

If this is correct on the face of it, it should be an easy fix for the next release??

I think the silhouette scenario is totally out of the hands of the updating team, and is an architectural issue that AirNav are working on, so am not suprised.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I think a quick resume of what we know are still outstanding issues would be a good idea?

Good to hear that we appear to be moving to a more periodical issue also!



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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2011, 11:21:42 AM »
A rare forage into the murky world of the database debate but can I ask a simple question?

AirNav have always stated what a professional bit of kit and what a market leader the ANRB is SO why doesn't it not use a a market leading and accurate database system to support ANRB?

Can AirNav or anyone who knows the definitive answer respond?

And this is not intended to be a slight upon those who have given up so much of their time and dedication to put together the database.
Located 2 miles South of LHR.


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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2011, 11:33:18 AM »
A rare forage into the murky world of the database debate but can I ask a simple question?

AirNav have always stated what a professional bit of kit and what a market leader the ANRB is SO why doesn't it not use a a market leading and accurate database system to support ANRB?

Can AirNav or anyone who knows the definitive answer respond?

And this is not intended to be a slight upon those who have given up so much of their time and dedication to put together the database.

Simple money.
Using the Canon 10x30 IS Binoculars with Image Stabilisation, Brilliant job on a clear day.


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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2011, 12:37:17 PM »
To be fair though - how many enthusiast databases are there out in the open , that don't require some sort of subscription to receive regular updates to databases?

I understand the need to frequently update the db initially provided with the purchase of software and hardware, so in that context , it's a fair point.

Given that at present, the updaters are volunteers, and are undertaking a mammoth task, I think it's only fair that the fruits of their work are passed on , on a regular basis.

If AirNav did go down the professional route, in involving some commercial venture to provide the info, from admittedly a more accurate data source, then I also think it's a reasonable expectation to pass the cost on, if regular updates are issued?

For the time being, we've got a welcome platform to now move forward on, so let's get behind the team and help them further improve things?



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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2011, 12:57:09 PM »
To be fair though - how many enthusiast databases are there out in the open , that don't require some sort of subscription to receive regular updates to databases?

I understand the need to frequently update the db initially provided with the purchase of software and hardware, so in that context , it's a fair point.

Given that at present, the updaters are volunteers, and are undertaking a mammoth task, I think it's only fair that the fruits of their work are passed on , on a regular basis.

If AirNav did go down the professional route, in involving some commercial venture to provide the info, from admittedly a more accurate data source, then I also think it's a reasonable expectation to pass the cost on, if regular updates are issued?

For the time being, we've got a welcome platform to now move forward on, so let's get behind the team and help them further improve things?


Rich, honestly I was not decrying all the hard efforts and I do appreciate them.  My question was 'if ANRB is pushed as the 'market leader' etc why it does not invest in a professional database supplier? thats all...

Perhaps a paid subscription for such a database maybe acceptable - has AirNav ever canvassed their users?

I really enjoy using my ANRB, its good product but it can always be improved IMHO.

Again, there is no slight intended upon the updaters and I'm very grateful for their efforts.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 01:19:40 PM by Tramline »
Located 2 miles South of LHR.

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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2011, 01:08:09 PM »

The answer to your question is for Airnav.  However as you state the product can always be improved upon and the database is no exception.  

The updaters know there are particular areas needing more work than others and there are corrections required.  The updating is an ongoing process and this work continues, it doesnt stop here.  Model standardisation work for example is ongoing with biz jets, Canadairs, Bombardiers, Embraers, Pipers all having been completed.  

We could I suppose have held back until everything had been standardised but the time was right for the initial release and others will have been carried out by the next release.

Considering where the database was last May we have come a long way but there is still a long way to go and corrections, comments and suggestions from users are welcome.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 01:09:55 PM by Runway 31 »


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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2011, 01:58:15 PM »
[quote author=Tramline link=topic=5877.msg61042#msg61042 Rich, honestly I was not decrying all the hard efforts and I do appreciate them.  My question was 'if ANRB is pushed as the 'market leader' etc why it does not invest in a professional database supplier? thats all...

Perhaps a paid subscription for such a database maybe acceptable - has AirNav ever canvassed their users?

I really enjoy using my ANRB, its good product but it can always be improved IMHO.

Again, there is no slight intended upon the updaters and I'm very grateful for their efforts.

Totally understand mate!

I think the points you've raised are very valid

Sorry if my response was mis-guided

I think Alan's post puts it all into perspective

Horsham Spotter

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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2011, 03:13:30 PM »
Good afternoon AirNav Development.

I emptied my database aircraft records so as to start a fresh 14 months ago.
All the fields are full and a lot of work has gone into keeping it up to date.
Most of the records include local general aviation, comercial and military.

To date I have just over 14000 in my database.

If I download this new database I'm not to sure if I will lose a lot of the local records that I have. So will I be better of with this new database or the one that I have worked on for over a year.

Please not that the database team have done a great job and I do help them with unpopulated record's.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 03:16:10 PM by Horsham Spotter »
3.1nm miles south of EGKK westerly App & Dep.


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Re: New RadarBox Database Released
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2011, 03:29:13 PM »
Good afternoon AirNav Development.

I emptied my database aircraft records so as to start a fresh 14 months ago.
All the fields are full and a lot of work has gone into keeping it up to date.
Most of the records include local general aviation, comercial and military.

To date I have just over 14000 in my database.

If I download this new database I'm not to sure if I will lose a lot of the local records that I have. So will I be better of with this new database or the one that I have worked on for over a year.

Please not that the database team have done a great job and I do help them with unpopulated record's.

Thank you.


Don't do a thing - I'm certain that this will completely over-write everything in you Navdata file,so if you work on it yourself, at the very least, take a back up of your existing file, and move it well away!!!

I'm sure there are ways of combining your info, but it's beyond me!

There are approx 100k records on the new file, but you will know best what works for you in your locality, asopposed to having around 80k records you'll never see??

Can't believe this hasn't been given as a warning on the instructions - unless I've missed it??
