Which part?
We just mentioned two cases where customer can easily get confused and say where is the aircraft its missing when there are reasons for it unrelated to any bug.
- Edit we will explain this again. These are two cases below explaining how RB works which a few people are getting confused with this issue.
Polar Plot - Customers are mentioning in a few cases there polar diagrams shows that it covers a certain airport, They know ABC123 has just taken off from that airport but they can't see it on the map. The polar diagram shows an area you have received aircraft plots from, it doesn't mean you should receive all aircraft from the ground up to FL400 in that location. It just shows you had received aircraft in that position which may have been at FL300 and your reception is limited below that due to hills/buildings etc.. Hope that explains that one better.
Network Transition:
If an aircraft is on the network and then comes into your MyFlights whether its plotting or not it will be removed from your network flights.
Example your at Heathrow with the RB and get reception as far as Dover:
BAW123 on the network and is in Germany
BAW123 is now in your MyFlights without a plot as it crosses the channel (due position signal not being received yet), it won't be in your network flights and won't plot.
BAW123 crosses Dover and starts plotting and is still in MyFlights
Example going the other way:
BAW321 at Heathrow takes off and is in your MyFlights plotting
BAW321 reaches the channel and doesn't plot anymore as its going out of reception but still in your MyFlights.
BAW321 is now not being received at all by your RB as its crosses channel and it should now appear from the network.