Thanks for the reply Tarbat. There are a number of questionable routes coming to light and I wondered if there was some site that was monitored by all interested parties - a sort of "route update site". This data would be both positive and, as above, "negative" reports.
I regularly download the routes database from the files section at gets updated several times a month, their latest version was released today, containing over 42,000 routes. It seems to have up-to-date routes for most flights I see, including those that FDLite can't find for Loganair, Flybe, etc. For example, it has 1450 routes for TOM***
It's well worth joining the group, download the database, export all the routes (attached) and import them into Radarbox. I use this SQL to do the export:
FlightRoute.flight AS FN,
substr(FlightRoute.route,1,4) AS NO,
substr(FlightRoute.route,length(FlightRoute.route)-3,4) AS ND,
"" AS NV,
substr(date('now'),1,4) || substr(date('now'),6,2) || substr(date('now'),9,2) || "090000" AS CH
EDIT: Oops, I've had to remove the attachment. Someone has pointed out to me the statement "
This data may not be copied, published, or incorporated into other databases without the explicit permission of David J Taylor, Edinburgh." So, I guess David J Taylor owns the copyright on this.