There is no noticable delay on the live network - it's refreshed every 20 seconds rather than the 30 seconds on the delayed network.
When you watch a plane on the live network coming into your area, the transition to MyFlights is very smooth. I like the live network for several reasons, for example I can't see Manchester airport on myflights, but other RadarBox uses can, so I get live info about takeoffs from there. With a five minute delay, they would be past me before they appeared on the delayed network.
Similarly, anyone with big gaps in their local coverage, perhaps because of a local hill or tall building, will have seamless coverage as long as there are other RadarBox sharers in the area.
As an extra, when I'm watching live tennis from distant places like New York or Melbourne, when a noisy plane flies over, I can check it out on RadarBox.
I like it!