Good evening Alan.
Just spent the day a Shoreham (EGKA) in West Sussex by the sea.
I have logged in total 56 aircraft. Of these 25 were not in the database.
Info from picture's that I have taken and confirmation of these picture's
from AB website and GAS modes info.
The only info not included is the owner details. With GA aircraft I use PRIVATE
as owner.
G-CDDK, 404CFD, C172, CESSNA 172, 172-65258
N80533, AAF74D, C172, CESSNA F172, 0095
G-BTYT, 40352D, C152, CESSNA 152, 152-80455
G-DOME, 40428D, P28A, PIPER PA28-161, 28-42062
G-BIUY, 401F4D, P28A, 28-8190133
G-BTJL, 403408, PA38, PIPER PA-38-112, 38-79A0863
G-BZEC, 4042D1, C152, 152-84475
G-BHIN, 401E4D, C152, REIMS CESSNA F152, 1715
G-TEXN, 401E90, T6, T-6G TEXAN, 168-176
G-BPJU, 402D7B, P28A, 28-41032
G-TLET, 403029, P28A, 28-41259
G-BMCN, 402567, C152, REIMS CESSNA F152, 1471
G-BMUO, 402710, C152, A152-0788
G-BPHI, 402D22, PA38, 38-79A0002
G-HJSS, 401967, SV4, Stampe SV4C, 1101
G-BFRV, 401D36, C152, REIMS CESSNA FA152, 0345
G-EDVL, 403E15, P28R, PA-28R-200-2, 28R-7235245
G-BPJP, 402D55, P28A, 28-41015
G-WARZ, 403E56, P28A, 28-42025
G-BNEL, 4028CB, P28A, 28-7916314
G-BHPL, 401E79, BU31, CASA 1-131E SERIES 1000, 1058
G-AWGD, 401791,C172, CESSNA F172H, 0503
G-AMNN, 40261A, DH82, DH82A TIGER MOTH, 86457
G-WARY, 403E55, P28A, 28-42024
G-EKKL, 40413D, P28A, 28-8416087
That's the lot sorry about the upper case not shouting it was just quicker.
Hope of use Steve.