OK,so we add a bit more software (and maybe pay a fee/sub?), no problem.
But - and this is the million dollar question - will the information on the screen get updated/changed?
For example, suppose I have on screen RYR123AB showing Newcastle to Murcia. when it is in fact Manchester to Murcia. How do I know this is an error without tracking it on network or looking it up just out of interest?
If however I subsequently find out the route is wrong, will I be able to correct my database so that the error is not perpetuated?
At the moment the skies are full of wrong routes and obviously corrections to these will only be useful if they can be put in my database and thence on to my screen.
I already have access to some correct routes but it's getting them onscreen that's the problem.
I hope this make sense and thanks for taking the time to help. :)